DJ Geert & Pascal

Hello everybody, we are Pascal van der Lee and Geert Ruijs from the Netherlands

We do a one hour show on Rockabilly Radio.
Besides the Rock’n’roll Classics from England and the USA, we play music from Europe.

Every week we play a song in the Dutch language, but also artists from Germany and Belgium that you can hear on our show.

We have three items in our weekly program: the Sun Review , with a classic from the Sun Studio’s, Leo’s Request Corner, with a forgotten song of the fifties from America, and our Indorock block.

DJ Geert & Pascall

In the fifties many people came to the Netherlands from indonesia. And many of them started making rock n roll music. This indorock is characterized by fantastic arrangements, often played by two solo guitarists. Indorock is very popular in the Netherlands and Germany. And every week you can hear two Indorock songs . I am sure that the listeners of Rockabilly radio can certainly appreciate this.

We hope you’ll enjoy our show, and if you do …. Let us know

Stay tuned on Rockabilly Radio !!! It’s the best station for this kind of music !!

contact  Geert & Pascal

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