DJ Big Paul

Hi I am Paul Lawrence aka DJ Big Paul.

Thank You Rockabilly Radio for having me .

I would like to bring to you a mix of rocking tunes that will get all you Cats and Kittens up and dancing round the house , office and even driving lets hope in hot rod if you can here me over the exhaust and i would love to hear from you with your request please send them to me on face book or message me on messenger . All I want is to bring you all some great tunes

I have been rocking for some time now . I am 58 and was 13 when I see the light and what a scene this has been its a great family

I meet my wife on the scene, that was through some great friends and Wild Cat Pete, I run a great club Memphis Bells.        I DJ and help Jiving George Gantrel run hedsor Rock and Roll club . Be lovely to see you at them, come say hi .

lf you see me at weekenders I’m always happy to chat and take requests from you . I am usually at lot of weekenders selling clothing